How to Create and Delete Hyper-V Checkpoints / Snapshots
Checkpoints (see this article for a definition) can be useful for short-term testing when you need a quick way to revert a Hyper-V virtual machine to its prior state, for example, before updating Windows or installing software.
To create and delete checkpoints (aka. snapshots in older versions of Windows Server and Hyper-V), you can issue the following commands from the command line.
To run the commands you’ll need to invoke PowerShell, which resides in the folder:
The scripts below are ready to copy and paste to your batch files (or into BackupChain if need be), for whatever purpose you need them:
Creating Hyper-V Checkpoints / Snapshots
The actual PowerShell command for creating a checkpoint is:
Checkpoint-VM -Name w7 -SnapshotName WorkingSystem
Where “w7” is the virtual machine name and “WorkingSystem” is the desired checkpoint name.
To package the whole thing into a one-liner that can be launched from the command prompt, or from inside a batch file, we invoke PowerShell as follows:
%systemdrive%\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell -command "Checkpoint-VM -Name w7 -SnapshotName testsnapshotname"
In order to remotely create a checkpoint for VM “w7” on server “MyHyperVHostName”, we can run the command as follows:
%systemdrive%\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell -command "Get-VM W7 –ComputerName MyHyperVHostName | Checkpoint-VM"
Deleting Hyper-V Checkpoints / Snapshots
The command to delete Hyper-V checkpoints is similar but offers more options:
%systemdrive%\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell -command "Get-VM w7 | Remove-VMSnapshot –Name testsnapshotname"
Other variations are possible, too, such as deleting all checkpoints whose names begin with a certain phrase:
%systemdrive%\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell -command "Get-VM w7 | Remove-VMSnapshot –Name OldSnapshotName*"
And even slicker is the following command, which deletes snapshots of a certain age, here 30 days:
%systemdrive%\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell -command "Get-VMSnapshot -VMName w7| Where-Object {$_.CreationTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) } | Remove-VMSnapshot"
Backing up VMs with Checkpoints in Hyper-V
As mentioned by Microsoft, when it comes to Hyper V backup, “Checkpoints Are Not Intended for Backup”: (
In order to have your important Hyper-V VMs backed up and protected, use BackupChain Backup Software. It handles and restores checkpoints automatically, and VMs may also be restored as clones, side-by-side with the original VM without interference.
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