The Ultimate Hyper-V PowerShell Commands Cheat Sheet

PowerShell is a powerful scripting language that can be used to manage various aspects of Hyper-V, Microsoft’s virtualization platform. Below are some common Hyper-V tasks and the corresponding PowerShell code to perform them. Remember to run PowerShell with administrator privileges when managing Hyper-V, as some tasks may require elevated permissions.


List all virtual machines:



Start a virtual machine:

Start-VM -Name “YourVMName”


Stop a virtual machine:

Stop-VM -Name “YourVMName” -Force


Create a new virtual machine:

New-VM -Name “NewVM” -MemoryStartupBytes 2GB -NewVHDPath “C:\Path\to\YourVM.vhdx” -NewVHDSizeBytes 50GB


Set the amount of memory for a virtual machine:

Set-VMMemory -VMName “YourVMName” -DynamicMemoryEnabled $true -MinimumBytes 512MB -MaximumBytes 4GB


Attach a virtual DVD drive to a virtual machine:

Add-VMDvdDrive -VMName “YourVMName” -Path “C:\Path\to\YourISO.iso”


Get information about a virtual machine:

Get-VM “YourVMName” | Format-List *


Export a virtual machine:

Export-VM -Name “YourVMName” -Path “C:\Path\to\ExportFolder”


Import a virtual machine:

Import-VM -Path “C:\Path\to\ExportFolder” -Copy -GenerateNewId


Get a list of virtual switches:



List all virtual hard drives (VHDs):



Create a new virtual hard drive:

New-VHD -Path “C:\Path\to\YourNewVHD.vhdx” -SizeBytes 100GB -Dynamic


Attach a virtual hard drive to a virtual machine:

Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName “YourVMName” -Path “C:\Path\to\YourExistingVHD.vhdx”


Remove a virtual hard drive from a virtual machine:

Remove-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName “YourVMName” -ControllerType SCSI -ControllerNumber 0 -ControllerLocation 1


Snapshot a virtual machine:

Checkpoint-VM -VMName “YourVMName” -SnapshotName “YourSnapshotName”


Revert a virtual machine to a specific snapshot:

Restore-VMSnapshot -VMName “YourVMName” -Name “YourSnapshotName”


Export all virtual machines:

Get-VM | Export-VM -Path “C:\Path\to\ExportAllVMs” -NamePrefix “Exported”


Get information about virtual machine network adapters:

Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName “YourVMName”


Change the number of virtual processors for a virtual machine:

Set-VMProcessor -VMName “YourVMName” -Count 4


Enable Nested Virtualization for a virtual machine:

Set-VMProcessor -VMName “YourVMName” -ExposeVirtualizationExtensions $true


Get information about running virtual machines:

Get-VM | Where-Object { $_.State -eq ‘Running’ }


Get a list of all checkpoints (snapshots) for a virtual machine:

Get-VMSnapshot -VMName “YourVMName”


Remove a checkpoint (snapshot) for a virtual machine:

Remove-VMSnapshot -VMName “YourVMName” -Name “YourSnapshotName”


Rename a virtual machine:

Rename-VM -VMName “OldVMName” -NewName “NewVMName”


Change the boot order of a virtual machine:

Set-VMFirmware -VMName “YourVMName” -FirstBootDevice “CD”


Enable or disable Hyper-V Integration Services:

Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName “YourVMName” | Enable-VMIntegrationService -Name “GuestServiceInterface”

Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName “YourVMName” | Disable-VMIntegrationService -Name “GuestServiceInterface”


List all Hyper-V checkpoints on the host:

Get-VMSnapshot -ComputerName “YourHyperVHost”


Create a new Hyper-V virtual switch:

New-VMSwitch -Name “YourSwitchName” -SwitchType External -NetAdapterName “YourPhysicalNIC”


Set up a virtual machine to start automatically with the host:

Set-VM -VMName “YourVMName” -AutomaticStartAction Start -AutomaticStartDelay 120


Configure Hyper-V replication for a virtual machine:

Enable-VMReplication -VMName “YourVMName” -ReplicaServerName “TargetHyperVHost” -ReplicaServerPortNumber 80 -AuthenticationType Kerberos


Display Hyper-V host information:



Set CPU weight for a virtual machine:

Set-VMProcessor -VMName “YourVMName” -RelativeWeight 200


Check the status of Hyper-V replication:

Get-VMReplication -VMName “YourVMName”


Start Hyper-V replication for a virtual machine:

Start-VMReplication -VMName “YourVMName” -ReplicaServerName “TargetHyperVHost” -ReplicaServerPortNumber 80 -AuthenticationType Kerberos


Stop Hyper-V replication for a virtual machine:

Stop-VMReplication -VMName “YourVMName” -ReplicaServerName “TargetHyperVHost”


Configure Hyper-V Replica frequency:

Set-VMReplication -VMName “YourVMName” -ReplicationFrequencyInSec 300


Check Hyper-V virtual machine integration services status:

Get-VMIntegrationService -VMName “YourVMName”


Configure Hyper-V virtual machine automatic checkpoints:

Set-VM -VMName “YourVMName” -CheckpointType Standard -CheckpointFileLocation “C:\Path\to\Checkpoints”


Set up Hyper-V dynamic memory for a virtual machine:

Set-VMMemory -VMName “YourVMName” -DynamicMemoryEnabled $true -MinimumBytes 512MB -MaximumBytes 8GB


Export Hyper-V virtual machine configuration settings:

Export-VM -Name “YourVMName” -ConfigurationOnly -Path “C:\Path\to\ConfigurationExport”


Clone a virtual machine:

New-VM -Name “ClonedVM” -VMPath “C:\Path\to\ClonedVM” -Generation 2 -Copy -ReferenceSnapshotName “YourSnapshotName”


Assign a static MAC address to a virtual network adapter:

Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName “YourVMName” | Set-VMNetworkAdapter -StaticMacAddress “00:15:5D:00:01:23”


Configure Hyper-V host networking settings:

Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_.InterfaceDescription -eq “Microsoft Hyper-V Network Adapter” } | Set-NetIPInterface -DHCP Disabled


Enable Nested Virtualization at the host level:

Set-VMHost -EnableEnhancedSessionMode $true


View Hyper-V virtual machine events:

Get-WinEvent -LogName Microsoft-Windows-Hyper-V-VMMS-Admin


Change the startup memory for a virtual machine:

Set-VMMemory -VMName “YourVMName” -StartupBytes 2GB


List all Hyper-V checkpoints on a virtual machine:

Get-VMSnapshot -VMName “YourVMName” | Select-Object VMName, Name, CreationTime


Enable Hyper-V replication compression:

Set-VMReplication -VMName “YourVMName” -ReplicationEnableCompression $true


View Hyper-V host processor information:

Get-Processor | Format-List *


Configure Hyper-V Smart Paging file location:

Set-VM -VMName “YourVMName” -SmartPagingFilePath “C:\Path\to\SmartPagingFile”


Configure Hyper-V host for Live Migration:

Enable-VMMigration -MaxReceiveInterval 500 -AuthenticationType CredSSP


Set up Hyper-V replication for multiple virtual machines:

Get-VM -Name “VM1”, “VM2” | Enable-VMReplication -ReplicaServerName “TargetHyperVHost” -ReplicaServerPortNumber 80 -AuthenticationType Kerberos


Enable Hyper-V Enhanced Session Mode for a virtual machine:

Set-VM -VMName “YourVMName” -EnhancedSessionModePolicy Allowed


List all checkpoints with details for a virtual machine:

Get-VMSnapshot -VMName “YourVMName” | Format-Table VMName, Name, CreationTime, ParentSnapshotId -AutoSize


Configure Hyper-V host for automatic stop action:

Set-VMHost -AutomaticStopAction TurnOff -AutomaticStopActionTime 120


Check Hyper-V virtual machine replication health:

Get-VMReplication -VMName “YourVMName” | Measure-VMReplication


Modify Hyper-V virtual machine resource metering:

Enable-VMResourceMetering -VMName “YourVMName”


Set a Hyper-V virtual machine to automatically start with the host:

Set-VM -VMName “YourVMName” -AutomaticStartAction Start -AutomaticStartDelay 60


Configure Hyper-V host for shared virtual hard disks:



Remove a Hyper-V virtual switch:

Remove-VMSwitch -Name “YourSwitchName”


Configure Hyper-V virtual machine automatic start and stop time:

Set-VM -VMName “YourVMName” -AutomaticStartAction Start -AutomaticStartDelay 120 -AutomaticStopAction ShutDown -AutomaticStopDelay 60


Enable or disable Hyper-V Secure Boot for a virtual machine:

Set-VMFirmware -VMName “YourVMName” -SecureBootTemplate MicrosoftUEFICertificateAuthority


Configure Hyper-V virtual machine VLAN ID for network isolation:

Get-VMNetworkAdapter -VMName “YourVMName” | Set-VMNetworkAdapterVlan -Access -VlanId 100


Check Hyper-V virtual machine replication health:

Get-VMReplication -VMName “YourVMName” | Measure-VMReplication


Set Hyper-V host power plan to High Performance:

powercfg /s SCHEME_MIN


Adjust Hyper-V virtual machine memory buffer:

Set-VMMemory -VMName “YourVMName” -Buffer 20%


Enable Hyper-V host Dynamic Optimization:

Enable-ClusterScheduling -DynamicOptimization $true


Set Hyper-V host energy efficiency mode:


powercfg /change standby-timeout-ac 0
powercfg /change standby-timeout-dc 0


Configure Hyper-V virtual machine automatic checkpoints:

Set-VM -VMName “YourVMName” -CheckpointType Production


Set Hyper-V host storage migration performance options:

Set-ClusterParameter -Name CSVEnableBlockCache -Value 1


Are you backing up your Hyper-V Virtual Machines?

BackupChain Supports Hyper-V on Windows 11 as well as Windows Server 2022

BackupChain in an all-in-one Windows backup solution that contains a complete virtual machine backup toolset for Hyper-V, VMware, VirtualBox and other hypervisors. BackupChain can be used to create a live backup of each VM from the host as a local backup or as cloud backup. Apart from backing up VMs, BackupChain offers a wide range of host-level backup features, as well as Granular Backup and Granular Restore to speed up the recovery process.

BackupChain only needs to be installed on the host and each license includes unlimited live virtual machine backup on these main platforms:

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Hyper-V Backup

Backup Hyper-V
  • Step-by-Step Windows 10 Hyper-V Backups
  • 11 Things to Know About Hyper-V Snapshots / Checkpoints
  • How to Back up Hyper-V
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